Meet Ania Norwood, AIFD, CFD, CCF, EMC

Ania began her formal training in floral design in California in 2002, alongside hands-on experience in a busy florist’s shop, supplemented with national and international floral seminars and workshops in USA, Canada and Europe. After graduating from Floral Design and Business Management from Golden West College, Ania was accredited as a California Certified Florist (CCF) in 2011 followed by membership of the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) in 2012, and European Master Certification (EMC) in 2013.

Ania has entered and won awards at many floral design competitions and trade shows such as the Orange County Fair, California Top Ten Design Competition, Fleur Amour in Belgium, and the IPM Essen International Horticultural Show. In 2017, Ania was selected to design and co-present one of the main general sessions at the AIFD National Symposium in Seattle, WA, and most recently placed first in the Pacific Northwest Floral Design Competition, leading to her representing  USA at the 2018 Gateway to Americas International Floral Design Championship in Orlando, FL.
At home, Ania serves on the board of the Advisory Committee for the floral program at Golden West College – where she also presents occasional classes and is a member of the California State Floral Association. She has also assisted design floats at Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena on several occasions.

Ania’s Polish heritage and background in civil engineering  and architectural design, as well as her love of interior design, photography and art—have all proved extremely beneficial in the creation of her designs, which remain in high global demand with numerous prestigious event companies, for who she works as a freelance designer.

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